Archivi categoria: Diario

I racconti sulla nostra passione per il West Ham United.
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16° Raduno Nazionale – 1995/2025 30th Anniversary

Cari amici, cari Hammers, si ritorna a casa, dove tutto ebbe inizio, dopo 11 anni a girare per l’Italia, abbiamo deciso di ritornare a Robilante, in provincia di Cuneo, un paesino di circa 2500 anime, tra le Alpi Marittime che … Continua a leggere

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Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo

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15° Raduno Station 936 – Roma – Shamrock Pub

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Getting to know … Station 936

Throughout the 2024/25 season, we are sitting down with some of the official West Ham United Supporters’ Boards and Groups to find out more about them and how Hammers fans can get involved… Here, founder Gian Vola tells us all … Continua a leggere

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La Station 936 incontra Danny Fenn ( The Boleyn Poet )

Hi Danny …, introduce yourself to your Station 936 friendsCiao Danny, presentati ai tuoi amici della Station 936. I’m Danny, also known as the boleyn poet, due to my love of words, and also West Ham. I’m now 56 years … Continua a leggere

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